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I'm New

What to Expect
Right away you will be greeted by guys with interesting nicknames and you will be called a FNG (Friendly New Guy). You will get one of the nicknames at the end of the workout. And the nicknames don't end there, we call cinderblocks = coupons and pushups = merkins for some reason! Workouts start right at 5:30 and last until 6:15, with coffee afterwards. Every workout the Q, (the workout leader) changes and creates a 45 minute workout. At the end of the workout we do a few things, one is the Name o rama, (hospital name, Age, and F3 Name). After that we end in a Circle of Trust (COT) a time for the Q to say a word of wisdom and encourage the men.
Welcome FNG!
Fill this out after your first workout!

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